First Build POC

NoPapel (Portuguese for OnPaper) it's my final Project for my Digital Games Technologist course.

The project is based and inspired by the Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design by Scott Rogers book, and I want to achieve the hand drawn aesthetic. 

Besides the main character everything will be made on paper as the title suggests, so  my not so trusty scanner it's helping me a lot! 

I've made some drawings on a squared paper, scanned and treated this images on gimp to make my tileset.

Some of the drawings were not made in squared paper 'cause would it be too hard to remove the blue lines from the drawing!

This one was made with highlighter, and it was not so good after the scan! but a simple adjustment in the color levels made it acceptable.

If you are interested in the development, you can check it out my public trello board.

See you next update :)

Files Play in browser
Version 1.1.0 Jun 30, 2020 Play in browser
Version 0.0.1 Apr 23, 2020

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